Shirkey needs to hear from you
Governor Gretchen Whitmer is demanding the Republican-controlled Legislature pass dangerous “Red Flag” Gun Confiscation legislation since the attacks in Ohio and Texas.
And Republican Senate Majority Leader Mike Shirkey is starting to buckle under the pressure — making backroom deals to hold a hearing on this radical and potentially deadly scheme.
While pro-gun House Bill 4434, which reduces penalties for carrying a concealed pistol with an expired CPL, which passed the House with overwhelming bipartisan support, sits in committee with no hearings scheduled.
It is critical you contact Senate Majority Leader Mike Shirkey to urge him to abandon any deals on “Red Flag” Gun Confiscation and instead advance pro-gun bills like HB 4434.
I’ve already written the email for you, so all you have to do is add your name and press send.
If you want to send your own message, use the following message to guide your comments:
Senate Majority Leader Shirkey,
As a strong Second Amendment supporter, I urge you to stop playing games with our gun rights and drop your promise to hold hearings on due process-shredding “Red Flag” Gun Confiscation legislation.
You should instead hold hearings on and advance pro-gun bills like HB 4434 and Constitutional Carry legislation.
Great Lakes Gun Rights will keep me informed of your actions.
Thank you,
Imagine government agents bursting through your door to confiscate your legally-owned firearms without any notice or being charged with a crime.
Someone down the street doesn’t like your pro-gun bumper sticker, or an estranged family member can’t stand your political views, and they decided you might be a threat and called the cops.
This nightmare scenario could become reality in Michigan if “Red Flag” Gun Confiscation is passed.
We ramped up pressure after the Detroit News reported that Senate Majority Leader Shirkey promised Democrat State Senator Rosemary Bayer a hearing on the “Red Flag” Senate Bill 156, sponsored by Democrat State Senator Mallory McMorrow.
And our pressure is working!
After receiving heat from you, Shirkey attempted to clear himself on Great Lakes Gun Rights’ Facebook page stating rather that he only “publicly confirmed [his] willingness to consider a colleague’s request to have hearings on extreme protection orders…”
But he has yet to publicly state he will not hold hearings on this dangerous gun control scheme, which is why he still needs to hear from you!
So why would Shirkey be turning his back on law-abiding gun owners?
Well, it appears the Senate Majority Leader is playing games with our gun rights in an attempt to be magnanimous toward anti-gun Democrats, perhaps even using our gun rights as a political bargaining chip.
This is alarming since he is arguably the most powerful Republican in the State Legislature.
This news is also telling. You see, Shirkey is a self-proclaimed “conservative” who has expressed skepticism for “Red Flag” schemes in the past.
He’s expressed his criticism of gun control and how strong of a Second Amendment supporter he is — even stating it is his passionate views on the Second Amendment that require him to have these discussions.
But a truly passionate supporter of gun rights wouldn’t be willing to compromise on one of the most dangerous gun control proposals we’ve seen in recent history.
A real supporter of gun rights would hold hearings on pro-gun bills rather than egregious “Red Flag” Gun Confiscation schemes.
His plan to hold a hearing on “Red Flag” will do nothing but open a floodgate of pressure from anti-gun groups salivating at the opportunity to pass gun control in Michigan.
Pro-gun activists in Michigan need to stand against Shirkey’s backroom deals on “Red Flag” and double down on our efforts.
That’s why it is critical to flood Senator Shirkey’s office with our grassroots pressure.
You see, HB 4434 is a straight forward bill that passed the Michigan House of Representatives with overwhelming bipartisan support.
It simply makes it so that an otherwise law-abiding Michigander who accidentally carries with an expired CPL doesn’t have their lives ruined for what is essentially a paperwork violation.
Under current law, carrying with an expired CPL is punishable with a life-destroying five-year felony.
While I’d rather have Constitutional Carry, and will keep pushing for it, HB 4434 would prevent Michigan’s harsh gun laws from ruining hundreds of lives each year.
You and I both know the Gun Control Lobby is turning up the pressure on Shirkey to hold hearings on dangerous “Red Flag” Gun Confiscation and continue to ignore HB 4434.
Heck, “Moms Against Guns” made it plain and clear that they are fine with locking up Michiganders for five years in prison and ruining their lives for what is essentially no different from failing to renew your driver’s license.
And they are wasting no time politicizing recent attacks to push for the same failed policies that leave Michiganders defenseless.
Of course, the gun control crowd always tries to capitalize on these events by using emotional rhetoric to shame gun owners into accepting their narrative rather than the facts.
The Detroit Free Press continues to shame anybody who even questions the motives of these bills or criticizes the radical gun control agenda.
Regardless of the mountains of evidence that show gun control doesn’t work because criminals don’t obey laws, anti-gun zealots will continue to use their false claims to push their agenda.
They will do anything to persuade Republicans to compromise.
This is exactly how they got 67 NRA “A-rated” Republicans in Florida to negotiate constituents’ rights away after the attack in Parkland.
That’s why Senate Majority Leader Shirkey must drop his promise to hold hearings on gun control and instead stand with gun owners by holding hearings on pro-gun bills like HB 4434.
And we need to keep up the pressure and make sure he sees the light.
Then forward this email to every one of your pro-gun family members and friends to get them into the fight.
Thank you for your continued support.
For Freedom,
Brenden Boudreau
Executive Director
Great Lakes Gun Rights
P.S. Republican Senate Majority Leader Mike Shirkey is giving in to the anti-gun lobby’s demands to grant a hearing for “Red Flag” Gun Confiscation legislation.
The Detroit News recently reported that Shirkey made a backroom deal with Democrat State Senator Rosemary Bayer to have a hearing on the “Red Flag” Senate Bill 156.
Instead of standing with pro-gun Michiganders by holding hearings on pro-gun bills like HB 4434, Sen. Shirkey is playing games with our gun rights in an attempt to be magnanimous toward anti-gun Democrats.
That’s why it is critical for us to flood Shirkey’s office with emails urging him to reverse course.