Michigan House Update
This modest common sense proposal passed overwhelmingly with bi-partisan support on a vote of 90-19.
While that is good news, it is disturbing just how out of touch the 19 Democrats that voted no are with reality.
Those 19 rabid anti-gun zealots just voted to throw gun owners in prison for up to 5 years just for failing to file paperwork on time!
Here is the vote:
While I am optimistic about the bipartisan support that HB 4434 passed out of the House with, this bill faces a steeper climb in the Senate to achieve a veto-proof majority.
You better believe that “Moms Against Guns” will be turning up the pressure on Senate Democrats to stonewall this reasonable legislation that prevents gun owners from being treated like hardened criminals.
The House of Representatives also voted to pass HB 4331, which restores the right to carry a loaded long gun in or on a vehicle on private property.
This common sense legislation to restore property rights here in Michigan was met with stiff resistance from the majority of House Democrats, failing to pass with a veto-proof majority, with 67 voting “aye” and 42 “nays.”
Here’s that vote:
Failing to receive a veto-proof majority all but guarantees this bill is dead on arrival on Governor Whitmer’s desk, once it passes out of the Senate.
It’s shocking how many House Democrats are opposed to gun owners not being criminalized for carrying a loaded firearm in a vehicle on their own property!
These votes today expose just how out of touch anti-gun politicians are in Lansing. And as we saw last week, MDA openly called for throwing gun owners in jail for failing to file paperwork on time.
All of the politicians who voted against HB 4434 and HB 4331 just made it clear to their constituents that they don’t trust you to carry firearms on your own property and would prefer to have your life ruined with a five year felony if you fail to file your CPL renewal on time.
The anti-gun crowd’s claims to support “common sense” gun control are laughable. Their agenda here has truly been exposed.
Both these bills now head to the Senate where, as I mentioned, they face a steeper climb, so be ready to take action to encourage your State Senator to support these bills.
Also, if your State Representative voted against HB 4434 or HB 4331, be sure to give them a call and share your disappointment in their votes to treat gun owners like criminals.
For Freedom,
Brenden Boudreau
Executive Director
P.S. In the State House, 19 Democrats just showed how radically anti-gun they are by voting to throw gun owners in prison for up to five years for failing to renew their CPL on time!
Fortunately HB 4434, which reduces the penalty for carrying concealed with an expired permit to a civil infraction passed overwhelmingly with bipartisan support.
HB 4331, which restores the right to carry a loaded long gun in or on a vehicle on private property also passed the House but faced stiff resistance from House Democrats opposed to private property rights.
These bills now head to the Senate, so stay tuned for updates.