High alert
And they’ve already succeeded at the federal level, ramming gun control into the massive $1.3 trillion omnibus spending bill.
The new legislation, known as “Fix-NICS,” spends more than $625 MILLION to beef up the Brady-NICS gun control database to reward states for banning people from owning guns.
But as I’m sure you know, that proposal was just a small step for the anti-gun zealots.
Their next target is at the state level, where they are spending tens of millions of dollars to ram their radical agenda into law.
And if we don’t fight back, they may succeed, even here in Michigan.
That’s why I need you to sign your NO GUN CONTROL mandate now!
Here’s just a taste of what we could see passed if we don’t fight back NOW:
*** Raising the minimum age to buy or possess a rifle, assuring that a 20-year-old single mother can’t defend her family from a home invader.
*** Gun Violence Confiscation Orders, allowing a family member, disgruntled ex-partner, or roommate to report you to a court and have your guns taken away — ALL WITHOUT TRIAL OR DUE PROCESS.
*** Bans on certain firearm accessories, making tens of thousands of Michigan residents felons with the stroke of a pen.
*** Outright gun bans, like the radical assault weapons ban being pushed by rabid gun grabber Dianne Feinstein.
Don’t think this could happen in Michigan?
Well, nearly every single one of those proposals were rammed into law in the supposedly “pro-gun” state of Florida with massive Republican support.
In these dangerous times anything could happen, and that’s why we need to be on high alert.
If you’ve already signed it, and want to help in the fight, you can click here and forward this email to your Second Amendment loving friends, and chip in to help us continue fighting these schemes.
We are counting on your support to help fight back against EVERY anti-gun restriction here at the state level being touted by Governor Rick Snyder.
Snyder, just last week, doubled down on his support for so-called “red flag” legislation which would strip you of your right to keep and bear arms with as little as a false claim being levied against you, with NO due process.
Anti-gunners, like Governor Snyder and gubernatorial candidate Abdul El-Sayed, are trying to tell law-abiding citizens like you that these laws will make us all safer, but we know the truth.
The government cannot — and will not — keep us safe. The reality is that it is up to us to be prepared in dangerous situations like what happened in Parkland, and if we don’t fight back NOW and stand up for our Second Amendment Rights, we could be in BIG trouble.
Whether you give $30 or $20, or even just $5 or $10, it will be greatly appreciated and used judiciously to defend our rights.
We need everyone who cares about the Second Amendment to take a stand.
Your support right now is absolutely critical.
I appreciate everything you’ve done to support the Second Amendment in the past. I hope I can count on you again.
For Freedom,
Brenden Boudreau
Executive Director
P.S. Here in Michigan, Governor Snyder is a lead anti-gun cheerleader. He is being joined by Democratic gubernatorial candidate Abdul El-Sayed who is pushing for outright gun bans and gun confiscation orders.
And once you’ve signed, please consider chipping in $10 or $20 to help defeat every gun control proposal that rears its ugly head in Lansing.