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What Happened?

The Gun Control Lobby wants to repeat their success in Virginia and Colorado and pass a long list of gun control measures in Michigan.

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Kevin Rinke endorses gun control for Michigan???

Are you kidding me?A week before the Republican Primary on August 2nd where Michiganders will choose who will run against Democrat incumbent Governor Gretchen Whitmer, Kevin Rinke appears to have just revealed his real opinion of gun owners and the Second...

Stop Biden’s gun control in Michigan

Michigan law enforcement officers may soon be tasked with enforcing the first wave of gun control coming out of the Biden White House.The ATF’s new regulations and the most broad gun control bill passed in 30 years are going into effect and the gun grabbers are...

Michigan House Republicans Block Vote on Constitutional Carry

House leadership abuses rules to derail efforts to bring pro-gun legislation to House Floor   Lansing, MI -- On Wednesday, Michigan House Republican leadership blocked efforts by State Representative Steve Carra to bring up House Bills 5364-5367, commonly known...

MI Republicans to Gun Owners: Shove it

Dear Fellow Patriot,In a move reminiscent of Nancy Pelosi in Washington, D.C., Michigan House Republicans declared Constitutional Carry dead without even raising their eyes.Let me explain...The abuse of the Michigan House legislative rules is well documented in...

Don’t let them politicize evil

In the wake of the incomprehensible evil perpetrated by the killer in Uvalde, Texas, anti-gun politicians and their cohorts in the media are mobilizing to enact more gun control.Gun control that you and I both know will only punish gun owners while failing to address...