Chatfield’s Tactical Error

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On Tuesday, the Michigan House of Representatives voted on House Resolution 227, which is a feel good, do-nothing resolution that simply reaffirms “the right to keep and bear arms of Michigan residents.”

There was no policy change. Gun owners can still be thrown in jail for committing the victimless crime of carrying concealed, or in a car, without a CPL.

Gun owners are still forced to report pistol sales to the government.

Gun owners are still prohibited from carrying in places they visit every day.

Holding a vote on HR 227 was useless pandering that just gave anti-gun lawmakers political cover. Frankly, gun owners in Michigan deserve better.

Not surprisingly, it passed with Democrat support (many of whom are known anti-gunners), by a vote of 75-32.

A total of 17 Democrat lawmakers voted to reaffirm “the right to keep and bear arms” via HR 227, yet many of those same lawmakers are cosponsoring “Red Flag” Gun Confiscation (HB 4283) and universal gun registration (HB 5275).

Eight of them voted against legalizing the lawful carry of firearms in your vehicle on your own property (HB 4331)! Several who were in office back in 2017 voted against Constitutional Carry (HB 4416).

And one is even endorsed by Bloomberg-funded “Moms Demand Action,” and voted to throw CPL holders in jail for accidentally carrying with an expired CPL (HB 4434).

Do you believe that any of these Democrat Representatives would have voted “Yes” on HR 227 if it actually did something to restore and protect the Second Amendment?

Let’s take a quick look at some of the Democrat State Representatives that voted for House Resolution 227:

State Rep. Cara Clemente (HD 14)- Voted against Constitutional Carry (HB 4416 in 2017), voted against HB 4331, cosponsoring Universal Gun Registration (HB 5275) and “Red Flag” Gun Confiscation (HB 4283)

State Rep. Brian Elder (HD 96)- Voted against Constitutional Carry (HB 4416 in 2017)

State Rep. Sheryl Kennedy (HD 48)- Voted against HB 4331, cosponsoring Universal Gun Registration (HB 5275) and “Red Flag” Gun Confiscation (HB 4283)

State Rep. Matt Koleszar (HD 20)- MDA-endorsed, voted to throw CPL holders in jail for accidentally carrying with an expired CPL (HB 4434), Voted against HB 4331, cosponsoring Universal Gun Registration (HB 5275) and “Red Flag” Gun Confiscation (HB 4283)

State Rep. Kevin Hertel (HD 18)- Voted against Constitutional Carry (HB 4416 in 2017), voted against HB 4331, cosponsoring Universal Gun Registration (HB 5275)

State Rep. Frank Liberati (HD 13)- Voted against Constitutional Carry (HB 4416 in 2017)

State Rep. Tim Sneller (HD 50)- Voted against Constitutional Carry (HB 4416 in 2017) after pledging to support it on his GLGR candidate survey, voted against HB 4331

State Rep. Karen Whitsett (HD 9)- Voted against HB 4331, cosponsoring Universal Gun Registration (HB 5275)

If Republican House leadership’s goal in holding a vote on HR 227 was to expose their opponents, they utterly failed as the vast majority of Democrats in swing districts voted correctly.

Not only that, it also provided political cover to members of the Republican caucus who have less than stellar records on guns.

Take for example Republican State Representative Kathy Crawford (HD 38) who voted for HR 227, but voted against Constitutional Carry in 2017, which she pledged support on her 2016 GLGR candidate survey.

Or the sponsor of HR 227, Republican State Rep. Gary Eisen (HD 81) who, before he was elected to office, publicly opposed Constitutional Carry in a Facebook tirade back in 2017.

Perhaps Eisen’s views on Constitutional Carry have changed since being elected to office, but without a vote on Rep. Steve Johnson’s Constitutional Carry legislation (HB 4770-4774), gun owners in his district are left with only his Facebook comments.

This is why a vote on solid pro-gun legislation like Constitutional Carry or the repeal of pistol registration is so important.

You see, voting for a non-binding resolution affirming the Second Amendment is easy.

Even Barack Obama claimed that he supported the Second Amendment when he first ran for office back in 2008.

But when you start looking at the actual actions and comments of your politicians, it becomes abundantly clear that for many of them it is just lip service.

Hopefully Speaker Chatfield learned from holding such a fruitless vote on HR 227 and will now heed the calls of pro-gun Michiganders to hold a vote on true pro-gun legislation like Constitutional Carry and the repeal of pistol registration.

It’s time to separate the wheat from the chaff so gun owners know where their lawmakers truly stand on the Second Amendment.

Great Lakes Gun Rights is turning up the pressure in Lansing and, if you haven’t yet, I hope you’ll join our efforts.

If you haven’t done so, please sign your Constitutional Carry Petition TODAY!

For Freedom,

Brenden Boudreau[/et_pb_text][/et_pb_column][/et_pb_row][/et_pb_section]


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