Five Republicans betray gun owners
The stupid was strong in Lansing today.
Five Republicans joined with radical anti-gun Democrats to vote for “lock up your safety” legislation that’ll make it harder for Michiganders to defend themselves in their own homes and will also have a devastating effect on youth hunting.
Republican Leader Matt Hall (House District 42) was one of the five turncoats who voted for House Bills 4139 and 4144 as well as Senate Bills 79 and 80.
The other four are:
- Tom Kuhn ( House District 57)
- Mark Tisdel (House District 55)
- Kathy Schmaltz (House District 46)
- Donnie Steele (House District 54)
If you live in any of those districts, be sure to give your State Representative a call to share your disdain for their betrayal of your rights.
Here’s the Roll Call (it was the same for all four bills):
Capitol insiders suggest that Matt Hall traded his vote for gun control in order to get a vote on his own version of gun control.
Hall is currently shopping around legislation that will lead to more gun owners being thrown in jail for something as simple as accidentally carrying with an expired Concealed Pistol License.
He went from working on legislation to lessen penalties for accidentally carrying with an expired CPL to now wanting throw the book at them.
Sadly, this is not surprising for Representative Hall. He’s a typical politician willing to trade away our rights on his way to further his political career.
With leaders like Matt Hall, is it any wonder why Republicans are in the minority?
The mandatory storage proposals were the only bills to receive votes yesterday, but its entirely possible that the House will vote on “Red Flag” gun confiscation and the Senate’s version of universal gun licensing as early as today.
Keep calling your Representatives at 517-373-0135 and urge them to vote NO on all gun control, especially “Red Flag” gun confiscation (HB 4145-4148, SB 83-86) and universal gun licensing (SB 76-78).
If Democrats (and apparently Republicans) don’t vote “Red Flag” and universal gun licensing OUT tomorrow, they won’t be able to take action for two weeks as the Legislature leaves town for a two week spring break.
Stay tuned and keep vigilant.
For Freedom,