Constitutional Carry hearing TOMORROW!
Good news!
I just received word that the House Military, Veterans, and Homeland Security Committee will be holding a hearing on a version of Constitutional Carry tomorrow at 12:00pm!
House Bills 5364-5367 filed by the House Military, Veterans, and Homeland Security Committee Chairman, Beau LaFave is receiving its first hearing and I will be there on your behalf in support of this legislation.
While this bill package is not as complete as the bill package we worked with State Representative Steve Johnson (HB 4363-4368) to introduce, it’s still decent legislation that allows us to point out Michigan’s dire need for Constitutional Carry.
As you know, Constitutional Carry simply allows anyone who can lawfully possess a pistol in Michigan to carry it, openly or concealed, without first having to obtain a permit.
Since open carry without a permit is already legal in Michigan, the CPL is just a “coat tax” that comes with a five a year felony if you fail to give the government its due.
The basic principle with Constitutional Carry is that no law-abiding citizen should face the threat of jail time for deciding to carry their pistol concealed instead of openly displaying it.
Law-abiding citizens in Michigan should be restored the choice of how they carry, and Constitutional Carry would do just that!
Already 21 states have Constitutional Carry on the books with Utah, Montana, Tennessee, Iowa, and Texas passing it into law just this year!
If we want Michigan to join the growing ranks, you and I must stay on offense even through the years with Gretchen Whitmer as Governor.
We can ill-afford to sit back and wait for a “pro-gun” Governor to get elected before we start pushing for Constitutional Carry.
By then it’ll be too late.
When I formed GLGR back in 2015, Constitutional Carry had never been filed in the Michigan Legislature.
But every legislative session since then it has been filed and we’ve even seen it voted out of the Michigan House of Representatives back in 2017!
Support for Constitutional Carry is rapidly growing in Michigan and as more states pass it nationwide, it’s only going to put more pressure on our lawmakers to pass it here.
Already Republican politicians the state over are realizing that they are expected to support Constitutional Carry and there’s becoming a sense that it will eventually happen here, but we’ve got to put in the hard work today.
In some states, it’s taken only a couple years to pass Constitutional Carry, but in others it’s taken more than a decade. The common theme in both examples is that it doesn’t happen unless it is pushed year after year after year.
Fellow Patriot, no other constitutional right has these required hoops that you must jump through, except for the Second Amendment.
That’s why Great Lakes Gun Rights is so committed to fighting for Constitutional Carry.
This committee hearing is the first step towards bringing Constitutional Carry to the floor of the House of Representatives for a full vote.
Our goal is to get every elected official in Lansing on the record when it comes to your gun rights, and a vote on Constitutional Carry is the best to do just that.
Forcing anti-gun Democrats and weak-kneed Republicans to take a vote on this issue, especially right before the 2022 election cycle, will expose where they really stand on the Second Amendment.
Do they stand with radicals like the radicals over at Moms Demand Action, who believe it is reasonable to throw a gun owner in jail for five years for carrying with an expired CPL?
Or do they stand for the rights of law-abiding citizens to carry a handgun for self-defense without having to first get government permission.
Only with the persistent activism and support of patriots like you will we truly restore the right to keep and bear arms here in Michigan.
It’s a pleasure working with you on this venture and I’m glad to have your support!
For Freedom,