2A Sanctuary Movement in Danger of Being Hijacked
While the intent, and the grassroots fervor, behind this push is to be commended, there is great danger of it being hijacked by members of the political class.
You see the fact is that resolutions, either at the county level or the state level, have no force of law.
In other words, politicians can vote for these resolutions and parade their “pro-gun” credentials while actually doing nothing to restore the Second Amendment here in Michigan.
There is no policy change, no gun control repealed, just a meaningless vote that can then be used to hide behind during the election season.
It may sound like I am being cynical, but my views on this issue come from nearly a decade of working in grassroots politics.
There are all too many politicians from BOTH political parties who would rather hide behind a do-nothing resolution than actually do the hard work to repeal gun control here in Michigan.
Worst of all, many of the politicians who vote for these resolutions may actually be opponents of pro-gun legislation or actively advocating gun control.
Take for example, Republican State Representative Kathy Crawford who voted against Constitutional Carry back in 2017 after pledging to support it on her Great Lakes Gun Rights candidate survey in 2016 (and in 2018, after she voted against it).
Not surprisingly, she is now a co-sponsor of a non-binding House Resolution (HR 219) that would declare Michigan a “Second Amendment sanctuary state,” without actually repealing any of the current infringements on the right to keep and bear arms in our state.
So, Rep. Crawford and others can have their cake and eat it too with resolutions like HR 219.
They can say they support the Second Amendment, but vote against pro-gun legislation at the same time.
Or so they think they can.
I’m not going to let any politician hide behind a vote for a do-nothing resolution while not taking any action to restore the Second Amendment here in Michigan.
That’s why Great Lakes Gun Rights is continuing our push for a vote on State Rep. Steve Johnson’s Constitutional Carry legislation, HB 4770-4774.
All you have to do is fill out your contact information and the email will be sent automatically on your behalf through our new grassroots mobilization tool!
Unlike voting for a non-binding resolution, a vote on Constitutional Carry will expose weak-kneed Republicans and anti-gun Democrats.
A vote on Constitutional Carry will force our representatives to either stand with gun-owning Michiganders or defend Michigan’s gun control status quo that treats gun owners like criminals.
Don’t get me wrong, there are many good pro-gun Representatives who will support a resolution like HR 219, but they aren’t my concern.
My concern is this wolves in sheep’s clothing who want to get away without having to vote on Constitutional Carry and instead hide behind a do-nothing resolution.
They are the ones who are the most dangerous to our efforts to restore the Second Amendment here in Michigan. They are the ones that need to be forced to take a vote on a real policy matter such as Constitutional Carry.
They’ll go out and vote for a “pro-gun” resolution and tell all of their constituents about how they support the Second Amendment, but once they are back in office and have an opportunity to vote for Constitutional Carry, they’ll be first to try to derail our efforts.
I’m not falling for it and I know you won’t either.
Thank you for your continued support and activism!
For Freedom,